Pit and Fissure Sealant
The pit and fissure sealant is a preventive treatment, that is easy, without anesthesia, and may last for many years, that offers a significant decrease of proneness to cavities.
The sealant agent is applied on masticatory surfaces of permanent molars and premolars. More specifically, it is a thin layer (white or transparent) that protects the hollows and furrows on the top of the teeth, where food gets trapped and bacteria thrive, causing rapid decay. The dentist or hygienist applies the sealant on the tooth and hardens the liquid using a blue light.
A child’s first permanent molar comes in around the age of 6, and is kept throughout one’s entire life time. At this age, brushing is never perfect. This preventive treatment is highly recommended as soon as the eruption of the adult teeth occurs.